Fat reduction should start at home. Making a plan to get more exercise and eat healthier meals is the best way to lose weight and inches. But sometimes this regimen is not enough. Fat remains despite your best efforts. This calls for professional intervention, and Eterna Cosmetic Surgery is just the place. We offer two in-office re-contouring treatments that can provide outstanding results for virtually every patient.
We’re talking about VASER Liposuction and Renuvion J-Plasma skin tightening. Both are performed here in our office using only local anesthetic. These treatments don’t require a big-time commitment, for the treatment itself or recovery (usually just a couple of days), but they can produce truly impressive, precisely personalized results. All that said, VASERlipo and Renuvion are very different.
- VASER-ultrasound assisted liposuction is gentler on the body and allows greater control over fat removal and contouring than traditional liposuction. It can be very effective to smooth and slim body areas from head to toe, so you can finally achieve the toned appearance you’ve worked so hard to achieve with diet and exercise. For men and women who want to take it further, VASER Hi-Definition liposuction enables fat removal and re-contouring that deeply defines muscle groups in the arms, legs and abdomen. You can look buff like never before, or fully ripped.
However, liposuction only removes fat. It does not tighten skin.
- Renuvion J-Plasma is a unique technology that tightens skin far better than other treatments, even for patients who have moderate to severe skin laxity. It also resurfaces skin, so the overall result is a smoother, more youthful appearance. Renuvion is a good choice to tighten skin just about anywhere on the body.
Choosing the Best of the Best
As an experienced cosmetic surgeon who is also highly skilled in performing non-surgical fat reduction techniques, Dr. Elizabeth Hernandez can help you choose which is best for you. Maybe both. Both?
Dr. Hernandez explains: “Some patients with good skin elasticity (typically younger patients) can achieve great contouring results with VASERlipo. Most patients benefit from the combination of VASERlipo for fat reduction and Renuvion J-Plasma for skin tightening because frequently the skin is loose and would leave them with even more loose skin if liposuction or VASERlipo was done alone.”
For example:
- Many men want fat reduction but also want muscle definition. In this case, you might opt for VASER Hi-Def Liposuction. However if you have loose skin, then you also need Renuvion J-Plasma to tighten the skin so that the muscles appear more defined.
- Women tend to achieve beautiful contouring results (without large surgical scars or downtime) with the combination of Renuvion J-Plasma and VASERlipo. This is because women may have loose skin in many body areas due to changes in weight because of pregnancies, hormonal changes and aging. Many women are now achieving optimal body contouring without implants or major surgery such as a tummy tuck with fat transfer to the breasts or buttocks in combination with VASERlipo (which doesn’t damage fat cells) and if needed Renuvion J-Plasma to firm the skin.
Fat Is Gone for Good
Both VASERlipo and Renuvion produce permanent results. Fat that has been removed will never return, and your new slimmer, trimmer, better-defined contours will remain – as long as you continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Why go through another summer wishing you looked just a little bit (or maybe a lot) better in your clothes and swimwear? Schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Hernandez to find out more about VASERlipo and Renuvion treatments. One or both could change your life.