Eterna Cosmetic Surgery

Laser & Skin Treatments to Turn Back the Clock

Conveniently located to serve San Antonio, Eagle Pass and the surrounding area.

June 30, 2022


Sometimes it takes more than a regular skin care regimen to look your best. If you’re still a young woman, you’re lucky. You have the advantage of knowing right from the start how important sunscreen and other preventive measures can be to keep your skin looking healthy, vibrant, and youthful.

If you’re older, chances are good you didn’t use sunscreen regularly in your early years. You didn’t have Botox to help prevent wrinkles from forming. And your skin has had a lot more time to be exposed to the elements – wind and sun that can speed the aging process and damage skin. Now you look in the mirror and notice your skin is starting to show fine lines and wrinkles, sun spots or other hyperpigmentation problems, rough texture, even some loss of elasticity.

It’s Time to Turn Back the Clock!

At Eterna Cosmetic Surgery, we offer laser and skin treatments to rejuvenate your skin so it looks brighter, smoother, and more uniform in tone and texture. Two of our favorites, thanks to their versatility and the quality of results they produce, are Forever Young+ BBL HERO light therapy and HALO hybrid fractional laser treatment. Both work on and below the surface to correct imperfections and improve skin condition and appearance, with long-lasting results.

Forever Young+ BBL HERO is a great choice for everyone except those with dark skin tone. We use it to:

  • Repair sun damage
  • Minimize age or sun spots
  • Reduce the appearance of rosacea and cutaneous or vascular lesions
  • Diminish fine lines and wrinkles
  • Tighten skin

Because BBL light therapy treatment stimulates collagen and elastin production, patients can see ongoing improvement as new healthy skin appears. This helps delay visible signs of aging.

If you also have acne or scars and uneven skin tone and texture as a result of acne, our BBL HERO system includes another option called Forever Clear which specifically addresses those issues. Ask Dr. Hernandez about it while you’re discussing how Forever Young+ can help diminish signs of aging.

HALO hybrid fractional laser treatment is a good option for all skin types and colors, even darkest tones. It is especially good for resurfacing because its dual-wavelength treatment can deliver both ablative and non-ablative treatment. We use HALO to:

  • Repair sun damage
  • Correct pigmented lesions
  • Reduce redness and brown spots due to melasma
  • Diminish enlarged pores
  • Smooth acne scarring
  • Produce more uniform skin tone and texture

Maintaining Your Refreshed, Younger Look

We know you’ll be more than pleased with the improvements in your skin following Forever Young+ BBL or HALO treatments. However, now that you’re looking noticeably rejuvenated, you want to maintain that smoother, more radiant appearance. We recommend:

  • Botox injections, to help prevent new lines and wrinkles from forming in the dynamic areas of our face
  • Dermal fillers, to augment your BBL/HALO results by adding volume to re-plump sunken areas or smooth deeper wrinkles
  • Regular Forever Young+ BBL maintenance treatments, proven to help keep skin looking younger, longer

It’s Never Too Early to Turn Back the Clock

Don’t get the wrong idea here. Forever Young+ BBL and HALO treatments are both very suitable for younger women. Doing all the right things now will do the most to head off wrinkles and sun damage. And everyone’s skin is different, so some women start to see unwanted signs of aging earlier than others. In addition, those freckles that made you such a cutie when you were 9 may not be on your most-wanted list now if they’re looking more like age spots.

Why let more time pass? Schedule a free consultation to learn how we can use laser and skin treatments to help you look your youthful best, no matter your age.


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