Eterna Cosmetic Surgery

How to combat aging at different stages of life

Conveniently located to serve San Antonio, Eagle Pass and the surrounding area.

June 30, 2022


You can wait until you see distinct signs of aging or sun damage on your skin to do something about it. Or, you can take earlier action with preventative measures that not only combat but delay visible signs of aging. At Eterna Cosmetic Surgery, we hear from patients of all genders that they would much rather avoid problems than try to correct them, and we are behind you all the way.

We offer a wide range of treatments and products designed to address virtually any skin maintenance or rejuvenation need. However, not every option is the best choice for every age group. So let’s break it down.

Everyone benefits!

Everyone benefits from routine facials. Hydrafacials are especially beneficial because each treatment includes cleansing, exfoliation, a gentle peel, and infusion of products that help the skin tolerate the sun and protect itself from the environment better.

Everyone also benefits from daily sunscreen use and a medical-grade skin care regimen appropriate for their skin type.

Forever Young BBL HERO treatments can help all adults to clear up the sun damage spots as well as activate gene expression in the skin cells to help the skin be healthy, thick, and elastic.

Teens and Young Adults

Monthly facials, daily sunscreen, and medical-grade skin care products for acne control combine to make a great regimen for teens and young adults. Regular facials help keep skin clean to avoid breakouts.

Some younger patients, as young as 18 years old, choose to undergo dermal filler treatments to contour their nose (instead of undergoing surgery), to contour their jawline or chin or plump their lips.

Many young adults undergo Forever Clear BBL HERO treatments to calm active acne breakouts and Morpheus8, SkinPen microneedling or Bellafill treatments for acne scars.


Starting at age 25, Botox (in very low doses) can be used to prevent wrinkles. We sometimes get requests from teens and very young adults to start Botox, but if you’re that young reputable providers will tell you there’s no reason to worry quite yet.


Most patients start to use fillers at age 35 or older to correct volume loss that occurs with the natural aging process.


Morpheus8 radiofrequency microneedling is a powerful anti-aging treatment for adults 40 and over. It stimulates collagen production in the treated skin (not only facial skin but elsewhere on your body as well), which firms the skin and greatly improves its texture while also reducing the look of fine lines, wrinkles and any type of scars.

Everyone Is a Good Candidate in the War Against Visible Aging

The key to success is to start as soon as it makes sense for your stage of life and skin condition and then follow a regular skin care regimen to maintain healthy skin and protect it from the elements. All of your skin – not just your face!

Keep in mind that everyone is different. Genetics, time spent outdoors and other lifestyle factors all affect how your skin responds. So the ages we’ve listed here are approximate guidelines, not hard-and-fast rules. If you aren’t sure whether it’s time to consider a particular treatment to combat or prevent aging, or you aren’t quite sure which treatment or product to choose, we’re here to help!

We’ll start with a complimentary facial analysis and a discussion of your specific concerns and longer-term goals, then we can recommend an action plan tailored just for your skin and preferences.


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